Erin Wilson – Science – Kamehameha Schools

December 26, 2004 aaron No comments exist

From: Erin Wilson
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 8:22 AM
To: Dr. Michael Chun
Subject: TWB-South Africa

Dear Dr.Chun,

Yesterday, I returned from South Africa, and I wanted to write you a quick thank you note for supporting my participation in Teachers Without Borders-South Africa, 2004. This project was a highlight in my professional career, and it was also one of the greatest journeys of my life. Not only am I a better educator, but while in South Africa, I became a better person.

While in Capetown, I had a chance to visit Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for many years. I was given a tour of the facilities by a black man who was a former political prisoner, and I spoke with a white man who used to be in charge of guarding Mandela and is now helping run the museum bookstore. Neither of these men, nor any of the other people I spoke with during my entire stay had any malice or bitterness in their hearts. It was an incredibly humbling experience because I’m not sure that I would be able to forgive the past and look for reconciliation the way South Africans are doing today.

Right now, South Africa is a place of hope and warmth and excitement. It has been 10 years since the end of Apartheid and nobody in the country is looking backwards. For centuries, blacks and non-whites were brutally treated, and in less than ten years, the new democracy has brought hope to millions of people. However, the country is in desperate need of educators, because under Apartheid, black teachers were never required to take Geometry and/or science courses. Now their students are failing these portions of the high school exit exams, thus becoming ineligible for the many grants available for university education. TWB-South Africa is an excellent answer to some of these problems and I would say that the money from the Parrent Fund was well spent. Not only did the students and teachers benefit from our expertise, but I benefited from witnessing their dedication and drive to create a better life for themselves. I learned a lot about being a better human being.

I will share more of my experience with my colleagues and students , but for now, I have to say thank you for this incredible opportunity. I couldn’t have done it without your support.

Erin Wilson

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